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Join us the 3rd Thursday of the month for our chapter meeting!
Meet and greet 9-9:30am Meeting starts at 9:30am
AT presentation: “Eighteen is Enough – A Monarch Parenting Adventure” by Lisa Travis, Rick Travis, and Carol Clark
What do a couple of Master Naturalists do when, in early spring, they find a multitude of Monarch caterpillars on a single Milkweed plant in their native plant meadow? They call Carol Clark, Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, for advice and counsel. In this talk Rick and Lisa will share their adventure raising a batch of baby Monarchs from egg to adult and release, allowing this lineage of Monarchs to continue their northward spring migration. Carol will join Rick and Lisa for this talk, chiming in with relevant Monarch facts and taking a few minutes at the end to tell us what Monarchs need from North Texans.
Lisa Travis is a happily retired teacher, and member of the Blackland Prairie chapter, class of 2018, where she is currently serving as the Chapter Training Class Director. Lisa is a is a trail guide at LLELA, the Heard in McKinney, City of Plano, City of Frisco, and is a Project WILD trainer/facilitator. Lisa is an iNaturalist fanatic, with over 22,000 observations, and over 25,000 identifications made for others. She’s a volunteer curator on the site and presents iNaturalist training sessions for the community as well as for fellow Master Naturalists. She’s interested in all things nature, but her main focus is on plants, and especially trees.
Rick Travis owns a Bachelors’ Degree in Forest Management and an MBA, both from Stephen F. Austin State University. With retirement from his business career, Rick is fulfilling a long-deferred desire for involvement in the environmental sciences. He is an active member of the Blackland Prairie Master Naturalist Chapter and is currently serving as Chapter President. He is also a member of the City of Frisco’s Urban Forestry Board, and a volunteer trail guide at several places, including the Heard Wildlife Sanctuary, the Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA), Plano parks and trails, and Frisco parks and nature trails. Rick is also the Forest Ecology/Trees new class instructor for multiple Master Naturalist chapters in the North Texas area.
Carol Clark is an amateur botany enthusiast, a Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, a member of the Native Plant Society of Texas and a member of the Blackland Prairie Master Naturalists. Carol grew up with a nature photographer father and wildlife artist brother and has spent much of her life looking around in the great outdoors. Her favorite things to do are leading discovery walks in local natural areas and finding and photographing interesting plants.
Business meeting: Chapter Administrative / Chapter Meeting
Advanced Training: AT: Chapter meeting