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The SWAt Team extends this personal invitation to you to join us at our upcoming meeting.
Come learn more about us and how you might fit in! Our Educational Outreach Program is ongoing throughout the year. We are always in need of additional volunteers. SWAt meets monthly on the 4th Thursday at 9:30am.
Business Meeting: 9:30 – 10:30 AM
AT/CE: 10:30 – 11:30AM Benefits of snakes? Yes! Pet snakes? Yes!
Location: AgriLife Office, Hulcher Complex Bldg B, 611 Kimberly Drive #114, Denton 76208
For more information contact Sharon Betty at sharon.betty56@yahoo.com
AT: Benefits of snakes? Yes! Pet snakes? Yes!
Sharon Barr, TMN Class of 2008, has charmed thousands of adults and children with an up close look and taught them basics about snakes in North Texas and around the world. Come be part of this training.
VMS Codes:
Business portion:
Use either P091211:TR :SWAt-Science With Attitude, OR P091211:PO :SWAt-Science With Attitude, depending on the predominate meeting topic.
AT portion: If the topic relates specifically to a SWAt event or activity, then use AT: Project Specific.
If topic is more general for Master Naturalists, then use AT: Chapter Approved AT