Want to See All Projects? Review the Volunteer Service Projects for more project details.
The TMN Virtual Volunteer Fair (VVF) is an opportunity for our partner conservation organizations to present service projects that needed volunteers from a distance or virtually! After three successful TMN VVF events our members are asking for more! This time with the intent to provide virtual service during the hottest months of the year when service in the field becomes less desirable and hits a typical lull until cooler months come around.
Save the Date and plan to join us on May 5th 2022, for this series of project presentations showcasing opportunities from across the state and across the spectrum of natural resource topics.
Coordinator: Texas Master Naturalists
Link for more information: https://txmn.tamu.edu/virtual-volunteer-fair-2022/
The first three opportunities (from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. on the schedule) are specific to the Gulf Prairies Ecoregion and are not eligible for TMN-EFC service hours. The other five (from 10:00 to 11:30 on the schedule) are statewide and eligible for TMN-EFC service hours if the service is done in our three-county area.
Link to register: https://txmn.tamu.edu/virtual-volunteer-fair-2022/#join
VMS Code: TMN Virtual Volunteer Service (for attending the fair and project service work. Add the project name in the description field.)