Some events may require pre-registration. Please check with the event organizer beforehand.
Exploration Green Wetlands Nursery Volunteer Workday
The Tree and Wetland Nursery at Exploration Green is located at the corner of Seakale Ln and Bay Area Blvd. For driving directions use this address : 2007 Seakale Ln, Houston TX 77062. There is parking on the street or in the Exploration Green Parking lot on Bay Area Blvd.
Wetland Nursery volunteers work in the wetland nursery to propagate plants for all the phases of wetland planting. These plants help secure the soil around the banks to prevent erosion as well as slow the water and debris from stormwater to aid in cleaning the water. Volunteers pot plants in one gallon nursery pots and occasionally have to separate the pots out as the plants grow. Volunteers also comprise the large-scale weekend planting events to put all the wetland plants in their new homes.
It can be helpful if Rich knows how many people are coming to plan activities, so feel free to let him know if you plan to attend and he can tell you where we are working.
Contact Rich at
VMS Exploration Green – Natural Areas