Webinar Title: Webinar Native Plants for Birds
AT-VMS: AT: Native Plant Society of Texas (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Name of NPSOT Chapter, and Presenter)
Comments: AT21-187 Webinar Native Plants for Birds, NPSOT Boerne, Presenter: Jane Tillman (AT=1h)
Webinar Date: 03/02/2021
Webinar Time: 6:30p-8:00p
Event Summary:
Your plant choices have an impact on birds. Find out what you can do to increase your yard, greenbelt, or park’s appeal to migrants and resident species.
Event Description:
Jane Tillman presents Native Plants for Birds – Your plant choices have an impact on birds. Find out what you can do to increase your yard, greenbelt, or park’s appeal to migrants and resident species.
As an active Travis Audubon Society member, Native Plant Society of Texas, Austin chapter, and Capital Area Master Naturalist, Jane gives talks and teaches classes about Central Texas birds and gardening for birds. Jane travels around Texas to see birds and the different ecoregions they inhabit, recently completing the Texas Ornithological Society’s Century Club challenge to see 100 species in 100 Texas counties.
Meeting 6:30p Speaker: 7:00p
Cost: no charge
Register @: email boerne-chapter@npsot.org to register for this webinar
Presenter:Jane Tillman
Contact Information:
Lorraine Popp
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
NPSOT Boerne