Webinar Title: Webinar Chapter Meeting AT: Bird Biology
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Meeting (usually 1 hour, Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT21-297 Webinar Chapter Meeting AT: Bird Biology, Presenter: Patsy Inglet (AT=1h)
Webinar Date: 6/28/2021
Webinar Time: 6:30p-8:00p
Event Summary:
Birds matter—in nature and to humans.
Event Description:
Birds matter—in nature and to humans. Birds are important members of every ecosystem and provide priceless services. We are in awe of the amazing adaptations that have helped them survive, thrive, and diversity to occupy the entire planet. Birds are fascinating creatures that capture our imagination and boggle our minds. The more we learn about birds, the more amazing they seem.
As we learn about what makes birds so special, we appreciate even more that we share common requirements for long-term survival—clean air and water and safe places to live that meet our basic needs. Humans and birds share close connections, and we can do a great deal to help the birds that enrich our lives—to maintain the wonderful bird diversity that is so important in our natural world.
Members may begin signing in at 6:15p. The chapter meeting begins at 6:30p. This presentation follows a short chapter meeting.
Cost: no charge
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Patsy Inglet
Contact Information:
Katy Kappel
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Hill Country Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist