Webinar Title: Webinar: Snow above freezing? Intriguing Phenomena and Mountain Rain or Snow Citizen Science
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Webinars (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT22-160 Webinar Snow above freezing? Intriguing Phenomena and Mountain Rain or Snow Citizen Science, Presenter: Meghan Collins (AT=1h)
Webinar Date: 3/10/2022
Webinar Time: 12:00p-1:00p
Event Summary:
Snow above freezing? Intriguing phenomena and Mountain Rain or Snow citizen science
Event Description:
Mountain Rain or Snow is a citizen science project that starts with a simple observation: Snow can fall at temperatures above 32°F. In this presentation, we’ll unpack the science behind this phenomenon, and why it creates a conundrum for weather managers and hydrology pros. We’ll also share how ground-based observations answering the simple question “Is it raining, snowing, or mixed precipitation right now?” can make a big difference for estimating just how much precipitation falls in winter. Join us to hear about the impact that thousands of observations are making for the world of weather forecasting and hydrologic prediction, and how important the role of weather observers are in this science.
Cost: no charge
Register @: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3609sPWGRm-lL1y0eTf4SA
Meghan Collins
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