Event Title: Cultivate Your Landscape’s Superpower with Native Plants
VMS-AT: AT: Native Plant Society of Texas (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Name of NPSOT Chapter, and Presenter)
Comments: AT23-171 Cultivate Your Landscape’s Superpower with Native Plants, Kerrville, Presenter: Becky Leal (AT=1h)
Event Date: 6/10/2023
Event Time: 10:30a-11:30a
Event Summary:
Cultivate your landscape’s superpower beyond managing water and carbon to attract more pollinators and wildlife.
Event Description:
Our landscapes provide us joy and a connection to nature right outside our door. But, did you know that your landscape has a superpower waiting to be cultivated? It can be a life support system for pollinators and birds, help manage our precious water resources and even sequester carbon. Join us for a presentation on ways to cultivate your landscape’s superpower and attract more pollinators.
These programs will be held at the Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library on the second Saturday of each month this summer, from 10:30-11 am. You will find us in the lower ground level room. Enter from the rear riverside entrance of the library.
Becky Leal is a Hill Country Master Naturalist and Hill Country Master Gardener in addition to serving as a board member for the Native Plant Society of Texas, Kerrville Chapter.
Cost: no charge
Register @: not required
Event Location:
Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library
150 Water Street
Kerrville, Texas
Becky Leal, TMN & NPSOT
Contact Information:
[email protected]
(832) 851-9866
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
The Native Plant Society of Texas, Kerrville Chapter