Event/Webinar Title: Restoring and Creating Pollinator Habitats
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Other Approved Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT23-212 Hybrid Restoring and Creating Pollinator Habitats, San Antonio, Presenter: Sean Griffin (AT=1h)
Event Date: 7/26/2023
Event Time: 6:00p-7:30p
Event Summary:
How to create pollinator habitat.
Event Description:
Sean will discuss two ongoing pollinator restoration projects at the LBJ Wildflower Center and throughout north-central Texas. With over 20 years of plant and pollinator data, these studies provide valuable insight into how land managers and homeowners can create valuable pollinator habitat on their land.
Dr. Sean Griffin is the Director of Science and Conservation at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, where he leads research focused on large-scale habitat restoration in Texas and the conservation of rare and declining plants. Before moving to Austin in 2020, Sean spent over a decade studying pollinator conservation and ecology across the Midwest and eastern US, earning his PhD from Michigan State University in 2019.
Note for in-person attendees: Alamo Colleges District Building at 2222 N. Alamo. Park in front and enter the first set of doors on the right to reach the reception area. The conference room is behind the reception area.
Cost: no charge
Register: In-person attendees, pls RSVP to https://bexaraudubon.org/3174-2/?sheet_id=74
Zoom attendees
Click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83091864965?pwd=T3pEdmNrZnphVFBxSjBYUzZ1eEZwUT09 to Join Zoom Meeting if watching from home.
Meeting ID: 830 9186 4965
Passcode: 669288
Find your local number to call @ https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kxOOv5LzE
Dr. Sean Griffin
Event Location:
Alamo Colleges District
2222 N. Alamo Street
San Antonio, TX 78215
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Bexar Audubon Society