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AT24-007 Webinar, TMN Tuesdays

August 13 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Event Series Event Series (See All)

Event/Webinar Title:AT24-007 Webinar, TMN Tuesdays

AT-VMS: AT: TMN Tuesday (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)

Comments: AT24-007 Webinar TMN Tuesday, Presenter:  TBD  (see below) (AT=1h)

Webinar Date: 1/09/2024
Webinar Time: 12:00p-1:00p

2024 Webinars are on 1/09, 2/13, 3/05, 4/09, 5/14, 6/11, 7/09, 8/13, 9/10, 10/08, 11/12, 12/10

Webinar Summary:
Monthly Webinar for Advanced Training

Webinar Description:
These webinars are provided by the TMN State Office. These may be watched for AT hours. Topics are new each month.

January   State of the Program –  Presenter: Michelle Haggarty & Mary Pearl Meuth

February  Rattlesnakes –  Presenter: Chip Ruthven, Natural Resource Specialist and Project Leader

March  “Texas Raptor Monitoring Network: a participatory science program to monitor the reproductive biology of raptors across Texas.”   Presenters: Dr. Ben Skipper from Angelo State University and Dr. Clint Boal from Texas Tech University have authored this initiative together.

April  Virtual Volunteer Fair:

The Virtual Volunteer Fair will be an opportunity for our partner conservation organizations to present volunteer service projects that need volunteers from a distance or virtually! Save the Date and plan to join us on Tuesday, April 9th 2024, for this series of project presentations showcasing opportunities from across the state and across the spectrum of natural resource topics.

May:  No Mow Zones – Presenter: Rachael Richter, Urban Wildlife Biologist, TPWD

Description: Mowing is time consuming. Mowing is expensive. Mowing, in most cases, doesn’t provide any benefit to wildlife. So why are so many of our community greenspaces dominated by mowed fields? This presentation will cover the benefits of reduced mowing programs, best management practices for “no mow” zones, and tips for starting a successful program in your community.

Register here: https://tpwdevents.webex.com/webappng/sites/tpwdevents/webinar/webinarSeries/register/4e6f9dd3145e4368a56d4c028b97f158

June: Volunteer Safety  Presenter:  Kathy Granillo, Refuge Manager – Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, USFWS

Description: Being outdoors and conducting fieldwork can be a wonderful, satisfying experience. But only if everyone stays safe.  What does that mean? And how can we best accomplish a safe outdoor experience? This presentation and discussion will answer those questions and will be relevant for all experience levels. We will discuss both physical and social safety, resources to help keep us safe, and more. Bring your experiences and questions as we delve into outdoor safety for all.

July  New:  “Annual Meeting 101″ Presented by Mary Pearl Meuth, and Michelle Haggarty.

August : Plastic free July – A Project Highlight    Presenter: John O’Connell, Brazoria Country Extension Agent and Cradle of Texas TMN Advisor.     

Description: Coast into July with a TMNTuesday focused on sustainability projects initiated by some of our coastal Texas Master Naturalist (TMN) chapters focused on plastic clean-up for Plastic Free July!
Presenting on the Texas Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program, John O’Connell, Brazoria County Extension Agent and Cradle of Texas TMN Advisor, will share how the program got started, how the chapter is involved and where others can get involved in their local waterways with collecting monofilament lines. Monofilament is another name for single-strand, high-density nylon fishing line that is used on fishing reels. Used line can be harmful to marine wildlife and boat motors. Birds and animals cannot see discarded monofilament fishing line, so it is easy for them to become tangled in it and starve, drown or lose a limb.
Galveston Bay Area Chapter will then share with us their process for reestablishing their Beach Cleanup Events. Slowed during COVID-19, these chapter volunteer service and social gatherings are being reignited by the current chapter leadership to create increase comradery and community among members, provide easy outlets for volunteer service in group settings and rebuild the culture of coastal suitability.

Sept  Spanish for Naturalists – Presenter:  Ernesto Garcia-Ortega, Wendy Anderson

Ernesto Garcia-Ortega, Wildlife Biologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Wendy Anderson, Nature Trackers Biologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife.
Description: ¡Español para naturalistas! Join Spanish speaking Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologists and learn the Spanish names for common trees, plants, flowers, animals, birds, and insects. Prior knowledge of the Spanish language is great, but everyone is welcome as the course is designed to cater to all levels. By the end of the class, students will have gained a newfound confidence to use the names of flora and fauna in Spanish.

Oct  Chapter Project Fair – Presenter: Michelle Haggarty & Mary Pearl Meuth



no charge

Register @: Register for all 2024 TMN Tuesday events or select events @

TBD – Get Name

Contact Information:
Michelle Haggerty
[email protected]

Organization Website: https://txmn.tamu.edu/tmntuesdays/

Sponsoring Organization: TMN




August 13
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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