Event Title: A Deeper Understanding Through Collections, Kerrville
VMS-AT: AT: Hill Country Chapter Other Approved Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT24-259 HCAA: A Deeper Understanding through Collections, Kerrville, Presenter:
Aina Dodge (AT=1 hr)
Event Date: 07/20/2024
Event Time: 1:00p-2:00p
Doors open at 12:30 pm. Member meeting at 1:00 pm followed by Presentation
Event Summary:
Learn about the duties and responsibilities of an archeological collections manager.
Event Description:
Aina Dodge will discuss the responsibilities of an archeological collections manager and how collections can contribute to a deeper understanding of the history and prehistory of Texas. Whether processing new collections or diving into legacy collections, there are always hidden clues to help researchers refine their understanding of those who lived here before us. Aina will talk about the process of finding answers to researchers’ questions, as well as unveiling answers to questions they didn’t even think to ask. She will also discuss the roles of State and Federal collections repositories, as well as private collections.
Aina Dodge is a native Austinite who first became interested in archeology while exploring the 1845 Davis Cemetery behind her childhood home. Aina graduated from UT with a degree in Anthropology and worked as a contract archeologist before starting at TPWD in 1993. When not working on collections management projects, Aina collaborates with TPWD exhibit planners and park interpreters, to tell the story of the prehistoric and historic occupants of what are now Texas State Parks. She is also very involved with the Texas Archeological Society and has managed the field lab during the annual field school for the last four years.
Cost: Free
Register: No Registration Necessary
Event Location:
Riverside Nature Center
150 Francisco Lemos Street
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Presenter: Aina Dodge
Contact Information: Francoise Wilson mzfmw@yahoo.com
Organization Website: https://hcarcheology.org/
Sponsoring Organization