AT24-089 Webinar Merlin Bird ID Trivia: North American Birds
WebinarBrush up on North American bird identification with this fun-filled trivia. This is an interactive game, so come ready to play.
Brush up on North American bird identification with this fun-filled trivia. This is an interactive game, so come ready to play.
Texas Parks and Wildlife will host a free in-person workshop for landowners interested in Wildlife Tax Valuation, wildlife management plans, and practices.
Birding by ear is a way of finding and identifying birds without having to see them.
Discover the secrets to nurturing native grasses, shrubs and sedges in this winter workshop.
Wildlife habitat isn't just in parks. Your own yard can provide a place of refuge for butterflies, birds, and other well as yourself.
Join a group bird walk along the Guadalupe River Trail in Kerrville.
Old Tunnel volunteer training that includes updates on bat research. Only open to Old Tunnel volunteers.
Come hear the tales and exploits of a game warden.
Explore the fascinating world of bugs, mushrooms, and decomposition.
Using Inaturalist to learn and guide Public Land Management