February Chapter Meeting

Midwestern State University 3410 Tafft, Wichita Falls, United States

Learn about eBird and the Chapter's volunteer opportunities utilizing it.   Join us at MSU, Bolin Science Hall, Rm 209 or contact rollingplainschaptertmn@gmail.com for the Zoom link.  Use the south entrance of Bolin Science Hall.  Handicap-accessible. Program to be announced. AT: Chapter Meeting for the program; CB:  Administrative Work: Chapter Meeting for the chapter business meeting.... Read More →

Texas Stream Team water testing February

Because of low water levels at Lake Wichita, water testing will only be conducted at the Wichita River.  Meet in Lucy Park, just inside the park near River Bend Nature Center.  This event will be held the second Friday of each month, unless noted otherwise. FR: Texas Stream Team

Bird Outing for February

Join Penny Miller, other members and guests at Lake Arrowhead State Park for a bird outing.   Look for and identify birds found at the park.  This is a leisurely hike on level ground (handicap accessible).  Binoculars helpful, but not required.  You can borrow a birding pack (bird book/binoculars) from the State Park headquarters.  This outing... Read More →

TMNTuesday for February

Learn about the inspiration to this year’s 25th Anniversary Annual Certification Pin.  Click this link below for information:  https://txmn.tamu.edu/tmntuesdays/ This is one of the few webinars that can be watched at a later day for AT hours.  Members should enter this as AT: TMN Tuesday.  Enter the date you watched the webinar (live or recorded)... Read More →

Beyond the Backyard: All About the Great Backyard Bird Count

Get ready to flock together for the 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)! This annual four-day event is right around the corner. Join Cornell's webinar on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. Eastern/ 12 pm Central.  Panelists will explain how to participate in this exciting global event and how participation might extend past your back door. ... Read More →

TMNTuesday for February

Rattlesnakes with Chip Ruthven, project leader for the Panhandle Wildlife Management Areas.  TMNTuesdays are a way to learn about top conservation issues of the state, earn advanced training hours and interact with wildlife professionals from across the state! Only TMNTuesdays and Texas Nature Tracker mini-series webinar recordings can count as AT.  All other webinars must... Read More →

In the Life of Threatened Fireflies

There is more to fireflies than just summer sparkles! Join endangered species conservation biologist Richard Joyce for a presentation about the fireflies of the USA, focusing on the natural history and conservation needs of our most threatened species. He will also give tips on how to decode the flash patterns of fireflies and explain how... Read More →

Great Backyard Bird Count

Spend time in your favorite places watching birds–then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit them to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world. If you already use eBird or Merlin, your submissions over the 4-days count towards GBBC. Chapter events available. Report as FR: Great Backyard Bird... Read More →

Home & Garden Show/MPEC

Home and Garden Show at MPEC. Sign up to help man the Chapter's booth during the show. A ticket is required to enter. You can choose any two hour slot (or multiple slots), one or both days.  Set up on Friday; Saturday 9 am - 6 pm; Sunday 1 - 4 pm.  For more information... Read More →

TMNTuesday for March

Over the last two decades, citizen science has emerged as a powerful tool to gather data on biological phenomena over wide geographic areas. Through observation-based platforms like iNaturalist and eBird, citizen scientists have helped document shifts in geographic range of both native and invasive species and their work has proved invaluable to scientists and managers.... Read More →