Training Survey Please take a minute to fill out our form to let us know how we can better serve you! Training Survery Let us know how we are doing? Step 1 of 2 50% Date of training MM slash DD slash YYYY Were you given ample time to schedule for this training? Yes No When taking this training were you; Alone With a group of people If with a group of people how many?Were instructions accessing the training site; Easy to understand Some what confussing Very hard to understand you received instructions on how to access the training weeks in advance, but on the day of the training was instructions accessing the training; Name of person conducting training? First Last Did the trainer appear knowledgeable and competent? Yes No Other (let us know below, so we can better serve you) Other (fill in below)Where you given resources for help with wordpress? (check all that apply) Website with training instructings Link to printout of instructions Link to online videos Phone number to call for help Contact Email address for help Other If Other;How would you find this training overall? Average Satisfactory Good Excellent What chapter are you with?*Captcha Δ