Project description (this project is currently inactive):
Various contributions to the Lake including maintenance on two trails, each ¾ mile long; bird census for the lake area, trash pick up. The Corps has a longer-term goal of shifting a couple of areas to native grasses and may request assistance with this as well.
Major Activities/Accomplishments:
- Buffalo Creek Wetlands (located below the dam at the south end of the reservoir) – The goals were to maintain the ¾ mile trail by cutting back brush, trees and plants encroaching on the existing path and to pick up litter. Both goals were reached in two work days in early 2013. After the summer growing season, we plan to return and repeat in the autumn 2013. We can continue this project as described twice a year ad infinitum.
- Waxahachie Creek Park (located near the tent sites and multi-use trails at the northwestern end of the reservoir) – The goals were to repair/rebuild the trail head and sign, maintain the ¾ mile trail by cutting back brush, trees and plants encroaching on the existing path, and to blaze a trail through the bamboo forest near the park entry gate that would connect to the existing trail. Work on this project has not started pending the ACoE obtaining materials needed to repair/rebuild the trail head and sign. We hope to move forward on this project in the autumn.
- Bird Census – The ACoE requested help with bird counts. Two or three outings have taken place and bird census recorded on ebird. The ACoE was directed to find our reports there. We look forward to several more birding opportunities in the fall and winter.
eBird Data