TxDOT Roadside Chat – Protecting Migrating Monarchs

Between September and November, ninety percent of all monarch butterflies migrate through Texas. Their journey is arduous—and only getting harder. Over the last 20 years, Monarch numbers have declined due to weather changes, pesticides, and loss of habitat. Surveys in Texas have found that 2-4% of the monarch population is lost along roadways due to... Read More →

Wildfire and Prescribed Fire on Your Property

This program will discuss activities landowners can implement to prevent and prepare for a wildfire on their property. Additionally, what to expect when a wildfire is on your property, how you can help responders during the fire, and what happens next after the fire is controlled. Finally, the program will close with information to know... Read More →


Introduction to Conservation Easements (Webinar)

Join Hill Country Alliance and Hill Country Conservancy (HCC) for a free webinar on conservation easements! Frank Davis, Chief Conservation Officer at HCC, will present on what conservation easements are, how they benefit landowners, and how to set one up on a property. Additionally, two Hill Country landowners will join to share their experiences in... Read More →

#TMNTuesday (Webinar)

Healthy Forests – Better Living Through Management Speaker: L. Allen Smith (Regional Forest Health Coordinator and Entomologist for the Texas A&M Forest Service) Description: The talk will focus on the current status of forests across the globe, the US, and Texas, and the differences between forests, woodlots, individual trees, and what this means for management options.... Read More →

Monarch Conservation Series: Reforestation Project in Mexico (Webinar)

This series is a unique opportunity to hear from experts across various interdisciplinary fields related to monarchs, other pollinators, their habitats, and the threats and pressures that make conservation urgent. Bring your questions and get ready to discover how you can get involved to protect monarchs. All webinars are one hour long and occur at... Read More →

Oak Wilt Biology and Management (Webinar)

Dr. Demian Gomez (Regional Forest Health Coordinator – Texas A&M Forest Service) will discuss oak wilt – what causes it and what you can do to manage it. Oak wilt is a vascular tree disease that is known as one of the most destructive tree diseases in the U.S. It is caused by the fungus... Read More →

Raptors of the Rios: Ecology of the Riparian Obligate Birds of Prey in the Trans Pecos (Webinar)

Wildlife Diversity Webinar Series - Raptors of the Rios: Ecology of the Riparian Obligate Birds of Prey in the Trans Pecos Dr. Clint W. Boal (Professor of Wildlife Ecology, USGS Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Texas Tech University) Webinar Description: Raptors are high trophic level predators that are important members of biological communities.... Read More →