Fall Wildlife Management Seminar

Hosted by Edwards, Real, Uvalde, & Kinney County AgriLife Extension. Presenters: Dr. Megan Clayton -- Professor and Extension Range Specialist Dr. Jacob Dykes -- Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist George Wardlaw -- Val Verde County Producer Topics: Methods of Controlling Feral Hogs Pig Brig Trapping System Demonstation Aging and Scoring Whitetail Deer Habitat &... Read More →

Wildfire and Prescribed Fire on Your Property

This program will discuss activities landowners can implement to prevent and prepare for a wildfire on their property. Additionally, what to expect when a wildfire is on your property, how you can help responders during the fire, and what happens next after the fire is controlled. Finally, the program will close with information to know... Read More →


#TMNTuesday (Webinar)

Healthy Forests – Better Living Through Management Speaker: L. Allen Smith (Regional Forest Health Coordinator and Entomologist for the Texas A&M Forest Service) Description: The talk will focus on the current status of forests across the globe, the US, and Texas, and the differences between forests, woodlots, individual trees, and what this means for management options.... Read More →

Minimizing Drift on Grazing Lands (Webinar)

This drift minimization program will discuss the two basic types of drift: particle drift and vapor drift. Physical characteristics of spray solutions, factors that influence drift, and applicator influence on drift will also be discussed. Finally, strategies such as delayed applications, nozzle type and droplet size, boom height, and adjuvants will be covered as methods... Read More →
