Texas Waterfowl Symposium

Join Texas Wildlife Association and Texas Parks and Wildlife for the Texas Waterfowl Symposium. The symposium will be held on February 1st and 2nd 2024 at the I.O.O.F Event Center 601 N. 45th Street in Corsicana, Texas. This two-day event will include a full day of presentations by professional biologists across the state followed by... Read More →

iNaturalist Train the Trainer Workshop


The Texas Nature Trackers (TNT) program is looking for Master Naturalists interested in becoming TNT certified iNaturalist workshop trainers across Texas. During this workshop we will provide you the training needed to get started as an iNaturalist trainer for your chapter, community and/or region. As a pre-requisite, we are looking for individuals that are already... Read More →

June 27th Board Meeting (5:30) Followed by Chapter Project Fair (7pm)

The Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

June 27 Board Meeting (5:30 p.m.) Followed by Chapter Project Fair (7 p.m.) at Tyler Nature Center Board meetings are public.  Members and guests may attend. It’s a project fair! It’s a party! We will have project leaders set up “poster style” at tables. Come and hear updates. Come and hear about some new project... Read More →

Tyler Bee Day at Goodman-Legrand Museum & Gardens

Goodman-Legrand Museum & Gardens 624 North Broadway, Tyler, TX, United States

It’s Tyler’s third Bee Day and East Texas Chapter TMN will be there with information about native pollinators, a pollinator safari activity, and a craft activity for the kids (thaumatropes). Approved for VSH- report time under Community Work Projects noting Bee Day Tyler.  Karen Rueb-Hall and Ann Reynolds have volunteered to assist project leader, Wanda,... Read More →

Owl Prowl at Martin Creek Lake SP

Martin Creek State Park 9515 Co Rd 2181D, Tatum, TX, United States

Just for fun!  Karik Storkson will lead the program. Meet at 8:30 p.m. by the Amphitheater for a hike around the Harmony Hill loop. We'll be taking a short moment to talk about some night hike etiquette and safety and then head out onto the trail. Binoculars are recommended to help spot any critters we... Read More →

Workday at the TNC Wildscape

The Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Please join us for a Wildscape workday at the Nature Center. Come and go as you can. We recommend bringing the following items if you have them.  We will have extra tools for those who don't have them. ·  Gloves ·  Hat ·  Sunscreen ·  Knee pads or kneeling pad or towel to kneel on... Read More →

East Texas Chapter TMN VIRTUAL Chapter Meeting

ZOOM only; no in-person.  Must RSVP to wwrauscher@gmail.com by 7-22-24 to receive invitation.  Speaker beginning at 7 p.m. (counts as 1 AT hour).  Please log on by 6:45 p.m.  Please mute and turn off individual cameras during the speaker’s presentation to improve bandwidth. In honor of the upcoming Odolympics Sept. 7-15 (bioblitz for dragonfly and... Read More →

ETCMN Chapter Meeting

Mineola Civic Center 1150 N Newsom St, Mineola, TX, United States

The August 22 Chapter Meeting at the Mineola Civic Center (1150 N Newsom St 75773) Dogwood Room We’re holding a shower! We will collect needed items to help an animal rehabilitator in our area. Lori Cavitt, DVM, with Henderson Animal Care Hospital and licensed rehabilitator will talk to us about what it takes to become... Read More →

Wildscapes Workday

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Please join us for a Wildscape workday at the Nature Center. Come and go as you can. We recommend bringing the following items if you have them.  We will have extra tools for those who don't have them.  Gloves Hat Sunscreen Knee pads or kneeling pad or towel to kneel on Shovel Rake 5-gallon bucket... Read More →

Odolympics Bioblitz

What’s going on with species diversity and range? We can’t know if we do not collect data. This Bioblitz is focused on Odonates- that’s dragonflies and damselflies. This site is checklist based like eBird and asks how many of each species you observe at each location you visit. Keeping a tally sheet either the old-fashioned... Read More →