Tyler Nature Center Wildscape Clean-up

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Kay Jenkins is our project leader for redesign.  First step is to clean-up for winter.  Weather looks to be cooperating. Please bring the following if you have them: Gloves - Hat - Shovel - Rake - 5-gallon bucket - Pruners - Loppers Sunscreen - Knee pads or kneeling pad or towel to kneel on - Cultivator - Water bottle RSVP to Wanda Rauscher by Friday evening... Read More →

Chapter Meeting

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Speaker TBD

Tyler Nature Center Wildscape Clean-up

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Kay Jenkins is our project leader for redesign.  First step is to clean-up for winter.  Weather looks to be cooperating. Please bring the following if you have them: Gloves - Hat - Shovel - Rake - 5-gallon bucket - Pruners - Loppers Sunscreen - Knee pads or kneeling pad or towel to kneel on - Cultivator - Water bottle RSVP to Wanda Rauscher by Friday evening... Read More →

Chapter Meeting

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Dr. Eddie Taylor, Silviculturist with the Texas Forest Service.

Tyler Nature Center Wildscape Clean-up

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Kay Jenkins is our project leader for redesign.  First step is to clean-up for winter.  Weather looks to be cooperating. Please bring the following if you have them: Gloves - Hat - Shovel - Rake - 5-gallon bucket - Pruners - Loppers Sunscreen - Knee pads or kneeling pad or towel to kneel on - Cultivator - Water bottle RSVP to Wanda Rauscher by Friday evening... Read More →

Chapter Holiday Party

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

The meat entree and drinks will be provided. Please prepare your favorite salad, vegetable side dish or dessert.  We typically are heavy on the desserts so would like a variety of healthy sides.  Please type up your recipe to post with your contribution.  This allows everyone to photograph and make your recipe in the future... Read More →

Chapter Meeting

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Bees in the Big Thicket presented by Dr. Dan Bennett

Chapter Meeting

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Humankind and the Oak Tree presented by Curtis Farmer.