Texas Stream Team is a statewide organization committed to improving water quality through citizen water quality data collection, stakeholder engagement, and watershed education. Stream Team volunteers build community awareness of water quality, become advocates for their watersheds and provide quality data that can be used in making environmentally sound decisions.
Texas Stream Team members are trained and certified by completing a three phase training course using a test kit that measures physical and chemical parameters of water. The program focuses on teaching participants about watershed functions and how pollution impacts water quality.
The ITMN Stream Team monitors selected stream and reservoir sites in the Ellis and Navarro county area for dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, pH, Secchi depth, temperature, and various field observations including flow. These data provide a snapshot of conditions in the waterbody and may be used to detects changes over time. Typically, volunteers spend 1-2 hours per month monitoring their site.
If you’re interested in becoming an ITMN Stream Team member or finding out more about the program, fill out the “Contact Us” form on this ITMN web site.
For more information about the Texas Stream Team, visit http://txstreamteam.meadowscenter.txstate.edu/.
ITMN Stream Team monitors at work: