Join us for a potluck dinner and listen to a guest speaker at our monthly meetings!
We meet at St. Michael’s Catholic Church fellowship hall (located west of Jasper on Hwy 190 past the airport). Meetings start at 6:00pm.
Anyone is welcome to join us at our meetings! We would love to introduce you to nature, answer your questions, and teach you something new! Come listen to our guest speakers and see our Show and Tell. Come talk with other plant enthusiasts, bird nerds, mushroom hunters, bee keepers, and more! We are also connected with other community organizations (Master Gardeners, Big Thicket Association, Keep Texas Beautiful, Friends of the Park, Archaeology Stewards) that might interest you. Guest speaker topics vary at each meeting and can range from local experts in a particular field of study (authors, university professors, meteorologists), government entity representatives (TPWD rangers, Texas Forest Service rangers), or researched topics by our own members.
Setup begins at 5:30pm if you would like Chapter Meeting service volunteer hours.