The Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalists have a great relationship with other like-minded organizations in the Jasper County, TX community. For example, beautification efforts of Sandy Creek Park have included a wide range of entities (environmental, multiple levels of government, businesses, … [Read more...] about Spring 2021 Community Events
Trash Pickup
Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup with the Master Gardeners/Master Naturalists
March 13, 2021 The Jasper Master Gardeners and Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalists jointly care for a 2-mile stretch along Hwy 2799/W. Houston St. The last trash pickup was Feb. 8, 2020. So what you see here is a little over a year's worth of accumulated trash. Thanks to all the volunteers who … [Read more...] about Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup with the Master Gardeners/Master Naturalists