Bird Outing for March

Join Penny Miller, other members and guests at Lake Arrowhead State Park for a bird outing.   Look for and identify birds found at the park.  This is a leisurely hike on level ground (handicap accessible).  Binoculars helpful, but not required.  You can borrow a birding pack (bird book/binoculars) from the State Park headquarters.  This outing... Read More →

Plum Creek Fishing Rodeo

Plum Lake 1638 Sheppard Access Road, Wichita Falls, TX, United States

Assist the Texas Inland Fisheries crew during the Kid Fishing Rodeo by signing up registrants, helping with measuring, etc. Contact Wes before the event starts on the north side of the lake to be assigned duties. The event will be at Plum Lake, which is next to the Wichita Falls Softball Complex at 1702 Sheppard... Read More →

Plum Lake Cleanup

Plum Lake 1638 Sheppard Access Road, Wichita Falls, TX, United States

Help pick up trash around Plum Lake after the fishing event.  Meet on the north side of the lake by the ball park entrance. Report as RM: Litter/Trash/Cleanup

TMNTuesday for March

TMNTuesdays webinar series are on the second Tuesday of the month through the year. TMNTuesdays are a way to learn about top conservation issues of the state, earn advanced training hours and interact with wildlife professionals from across the state!  This is the only webinar that you can count watching the recording. Click this link... Read More →

Facts are Not Enough: Science communication and audience emotions

Unfortunately, there isn't "one weird trick" to communicating bug science. We know that emotions are important in persuading people and encouraging evidence-based decision making. But how do you make a real connection in a time of misinformation and political division? Join Gwen Pearson, science communicator and entomologist, to explore this topic in this Xerces Society... Read More →

Texas Stream Team Water Testing for March

Meet at the boat ramp on Lake Wichita, across from the State Hospital on Kemp Blvd.  Then move to Lucy Park, just inside the park near River Bend Nature Center.  This event will be held the second Friday of each month, unless noted otherwise. Contact Carl Brown for more information. Report as FR: Texas Stream... Read More →

Plant Party: Spring Green Up

Enjoy 5 short presentations on how plants green up and they will give away lots of DOOR PRIZES (must be present to win)!  Presentations are: How soil temperature dictates plant physiological functions; How a grass grows; How a forb grows; How a brush plant grows, and What makes a plant an early successional species. Plant... Read More →

Training Class #2 – Birds

Dillard College of Business Council Drive and Hampstead Lane, Wichita, Texas

Training Class 2 - Ornithology with Marcy Brown Masden.  Learn what makes birds so unique, their ancestry and what makes a bird.  Plus, view some of the University's bird skins.  Definitely a must see in person. Meet at MSU, Dillard College of Business Building, room 328.  Park in the lot on the north side of... Read More →

Water Testing at Lake Gordon

Join Penny Miller at Lake Gordon in Iowa Park for water testing. Meet at the parking lot just off of the access road near Taco Bell. Held on 3rd Friday of each month. Report as FR: Texas Stream Team

Training Class Field Trip # 1-electro-fishing

Lake Arrowhead State Park 229 Park Road 63, Wichita Falls, TX, United States

The first Training Class field trip to Lake Arrowhead State Park for a demonstration of electro-fishing and fish identification.  In-person only. Wear closed-toed shoes (sneakers okay) or bring rubber sole boots, if you have them.  Be prepared to get a little wet as you will be netting stunned fish and bringing them onto the boat.... Read More →