In the Life Of: Butterflies East of the Rockies

This Xercies Society webinar looks east over the Continental Divide running along the Rockies to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico to explore the life of butterflies. This large extent of the country includes diverse landscapes ranging from alpine peaks, arid grasslands, fertile plains, forests, farms, and coastal wetlands. In all... Read More →

Monarch Blitz

For the 10-day period, the Monarch Blitz invites people from across North America to report monarch butterfly sightings, to find milkweed plants, and to look for monarch eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalises. To take part, simply go outdoors and share your monarch and milkweed observations with one of these participating community science programs:  Journey North (,... Read More →

Doug Tallamy – What’s the Rush?

Join the Austin Chapter of Native Plant Society of Texas' monthly meeting.  Doug Tallamy presents on video the science-based solution to the biodiversity crisis and explains why it’s so urgent. Native plants are the foundation of the solution, and we can do it together. Register Here. Count the time of the program only, not the... Read More →

Horned Lizard Survey @ Copper Breaks State Park

Copper Breaks State Park

Meet at the Bull Canyon Trailhead at Copper Breaks State Park. Lynn would like other Rolling Plains Chapter TXMN members to assist with this hike. Report as FR: Horned Lizard Survey

Wildlife Friendly Landscapes: Gardens that Give Back

Native and adapted plants are not only beautiful, low maintenance additions to the garden; they can be useful tools to attract beneficial wildlife as well! Learn ways to attract and provide habitat for butterflies, songbirds, hummingbirds, bees, and other beneficial animals that bring your landscape to life with activity! If you’d like to keep your... Read More →

Time to Restore: Connecting People, Plants, and Pollinators

In this free, two-hour virtual workshop, you will learn more about the Time to Restore project, weigh in on the best plant species to target for ongoing monitoring and assessment in Texas, help generate ideas for recruitment and engagement of volunteer data collectors, and give your input on how the data collected by this project... Read More →

In the Life of Wasps: Hunters, Pollinators, Masons and more

Join us to learn more about the diverse lives of wasps! Pollinator Conservation Specialists, Jennifer Hopwood and Rae Powers will outline the roles of wasps, highlight some key groups, outline conservation measures, and address concerns about wasps. Register Here. Report as AT: Approved Webinar

Time to Restore: Connecting People, Plants, and Pollinators

In this free, two-hour virtual workshop, you will learn more about the Time to Restore project, weigh in on the best plant species to target for ongoing monitoring and assessment in Texas, help generate ideas for recruitment and engagement of volunteer data collectors, and give your input on how the data collected by this project... Read More →

How Your iNaturalist Data Makes a Difference for Biodiversity

Why do your iNaturalist observations matter, where do they go, and what impact do they have? Join us for a webinar to learn how your contributions are part of the world's most important source of biodiversity data.  You'll learn about the impact of iNaturalist's data and how iNaturalist has grown thanks to the collective efforts... Read More →