Wildlife Friendly Landscapes: Gardens that Give Back

Native and adapted plants are not only beautiful, low maintenance additions to the garden; they can be useful tools to attract beneficial wildlife as well! Learn ways to attract and provide habitat for butterflies, songbirds, hummingbirds, bees, and other beneficial animals that bring your landscape to life with activity! If you’d like to keep your... Read More →

Time to Restore: Connecting People, Plants, and Pollinators

In this free, two-hour virtual workshop, you will learn more about the Time to Restore project, weigh in on the best plant species to target for ongoing monitoring and assessment in Texas, help generate ideas for recruitment and engagement of volunteer data collectors, and give your input on how the data collected by this project... Read More →

In the Life of Wasps: Hunters, Pollinators, Masons and more

Join us to learn more about the diverse lives of wasps! Pollinator Conservation Specialists, Jennifer Hopwood and Rae Powers will outline the roles of wasps, highlight some key groups, outline conservation measures, and address concerns about wasps. Register Here. Report as AT: Approved Webinar

Time to Restore: Connecting People, Plants, and Pollinators

In this free, two-hour virtual workshop, you will learn more about the Time to Restore project, weigh in on the best plant species to target for ongoing monitoring and assessment in Texas, help generate ideas for recruitment and engagement of volunteer data collectors, and give your input on how the data collected by this project... Read More →

How Your iNaturalist Data Makes a Difference for Biodiversity

Why do your iNaturalist observations matter, where do they go, and what impact do they have? Join us for a webinar to learn how your contributions are part of the world's most important source of biodiversity data.  You'll learn about the impact of iNaturalist's data and how iNaturalist has grown thanks to the collective efforts... Read More →

In the Life of Jumping Spiders

Even amongst other bugs, spiders are often overlooked and misunderstood. But these ancient, diverse, and wonderfully weird creatures have a lot to teach us. And the best group of spiders to start with might be jumping spiders: they are colorful, clever, and even cute! Join spider scientist Dr. Sebastian Alejandro Echeverri as he shares the... Read More →

Trash Clean Up near Lake Arrowhead State Park

Help pick up trash along our Adopt-a-Highway section near Lake Arrowhead State Park.  Meet at the intersection of FM 1954 and FM 2606, just north of the State Park.  Wear your safety vests if you have them. Report as RM: Litter/Trash/Clean-up

Hike the Onion Creek Trail and Learn to use iNaturalist

Lake Arrowhead State Park 229 Park Road 63, Wichita Falls, TX, United States

Let's get outside and explore north Onion Creek Trail at Lake Arrowhead State Park! Use of the iNaturalist app is optional. Total distance is between 1 - 1.5 miles. The trail does not have hills but may be uneven in places. What to bring: Please dress for weather and bring any hiking essentials needed, especially water.... Read More →

Birds in Art lecture – Connecting with Birds

Meet at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art for an evening with a variety of mini talks over the documentation, preservation, and conservation of Birds. Hear and see how photographers, preservationists, and documentarians all highlight the influence birds have on the world and society.  The Birds in Art exhibit runs Sept 7 - Dec 7.... Read More →

Monarch Butterfly program at City View Elementary

Lynn will be presenting a program on Monarch Butterflies for 80 4th graders at City View Elementary School.  The program will last 1 hour.  If you want to assist with this program, please contact Lynn.  940-867-3006 Report as DO: Community Presentations