Trash Cleanup on Dragonfly Trail
Help pick up litter along the Dragonfly Trail before the hike. Meet at the Admin Building by the fishing pier. Park fees apply. Report as RM: Litter/trash/clean up.
Help pick up litter along the Dragonfly Trail before the hike. Meet at the Admin Building by the fishing pier. Park fees apply. Report as RM: Litter/trash/clean up.
Join members as they explore the Dragonfly Trail at Lake Arrowhead State Park. Park fees apply. Take the first right after entering the park. Trailhead is in the Equestrian area at the end of the road. Report as PO: Chapter-sponsored Monthly Hike
Join members for a hike on National Trails Day. Meet at the Dragonfly Trail at Lake Arrowhead State Park. Report as PO: Chapter-sponsored Monthly Hike
Assist in manning the Chapter's booth during the Teacher's Conference at Region 9. Contact Lynn Seman if you wish to participate at We will have a booth, table set up outside the classroom session which will be set up all day from about 8:00am to 4:00pm. You can sign up to stay at the... Read More →
Help with Presentation on Monarchs and Pollinators at Jefferson Elementary School for summer camp kids for Wichita Falls Parks and Recreation. Lynn needs help with this opportunity. Contact her at if you wish to participate. Report as DO: Community Presentation
Help with Presentation on Monarchs and Pollinators at Scotland Park Elementary School for summer camp kids for Wichita Falls Parks and Recreation. Lynn needs help with this opportunity. Contact her at if you wish to participate. Report as DO: Community Presentation
White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a deadly disease affecting hibernating bats all over the United States, including Texas. There are promising treatment options for this disease, but the logistical feasibility of these treatments - as well as the potential disturbance caused to bats by these treatments - require further investigation. In this project, we examined the... Read More →
Help Lynn Seman with a Fishing Program with summer camp kids for Wichita Falls Parks and Recreation. Please call or email Lynn Seman at Report as DO: Community Presentation
Help Lynn Seman with a Fishing Program with summer camp kids for Wichita Falls Parks and Recreation. Please call or email Lynn Seman at Report as DO: Community Presentation
Natural history collections, such as herbaria, are well positioned for the analysis of global change and the resulting impacts on regional biota. In this context, the digitized herbarium specimen data from the Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria provide the capacity for addressing major hypotheses in the region concerning patterns of species richness and phylogenetic... Read More →