Integrated Disease Management System Approach to Reduce White-Nose Syndrome Mortality in Texas

White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a deadly disease affecting hibernating bats all over the United States, including Texas. There are promising treatment options for this disease, but the logistical feasibility of these treatments - as well as the potential disturbance caused to bats by these treatments - require further investigation. In this project, we examined the... Read More →

Fishing Program for Summer Camp (1)

Help Lynn Seman with a Fishing Program with summer camp kids for Wichita Falls Parks and Recreation. Please call or email Lynn Seman at Report as DO: Community Presentation

Fishing Program for Summer Camp

Help Lynn Seman with a Fishing Program with summer camp kids for Wichita Falls Parks and Recreation. Please call or email Lynn Seman at Report as DO: Community Presentation

Digitizing Texas’ Botanical Legacy: the Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria – Texas Wildlife Diversity Webinar

Natural history collections, such as herbaria, are well positioned for the analysis of global change and the resulting impacts on regional biota. In this context, the digitized herbarium specimen data from the Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria provide the capacity for addressing major hypotheses in the region concerning patterns of species richness and phylogenetic... Read More →

Stewardship for Birds in Aquatic and Riparian Habitats – A Texas Waters Webinar

Riparian corridors have the greatest diversity of bird species and the greatest abundance of individual birds compared to most other habitat types. Also, riparian birds are an excellent indicator of riparian and aquatic ecosystem health, and stewardship for birds along riparian corridors increases the quality of the entire ecosystem. This webinar will discuss breeding and... Read More →

Cool Off With Shade Gardening

Does your landscape have problem areas where nothing seems to grow? Do you have mature trees and areas where your turf is receding? Are your trees throwing shade?  Don’t accept being shaded out. Instead, take advantage of these cooler landscape areas! Learn about the many native and adapted plants that not only survive, but thrive,... Read More →

Horned Lizard Hike @ Copper Breaks State Park (evening)

Copper Breaks State Park

Meet at the Bull Canyon Trailhead at Copper Breaks State Park. Lynn would like other Rolling Plains Chapter TXMN members to assist with this hike. Report as IO: Special events at Copper Breaks State Park.

In the Life Of: Butterflies East of the Rockies

This Xercies Society webinar looks east over the Continental Divide running along the Rockies to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico to explore the life of butterflies. This large extent of the country includes diverse landscapes ranging from alpine peaks, arid grasslands, fertile plains, forests, farms, and coastal wetlands. In all... Read More →

Monarch Blitz

For the 10-day period, the Monarch Blitz invites people from across North America to report monarch butterfly sightings, to find milkweed plants, and to look for monarch eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalises. To take part, simply go outdoors and share your monarch and milkweed observations with one of these participating community science programs:  Journey North (,... Read More →