Training Class # 7 – Ecological Concepts

Midwestern State University 3410 Tafft, Wichita Falls, United States

Join Dr. Kashif Mahmud, Assistant Professor of Geosciences at MSU, for a discussion of ecological concepts.  Meet at MSU's Bolin Science Hall, Room 213.  In-person preferred. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 883 7120 4084 Passcode: nature Trainees report as: Training Class (enter class description)

TMNTuesday for May

TMNTuesdays webinar series are on the second Tuesday of the month. Only TMNTuesdays and Texas Nature Tracker mini-series webinar recordings can count as AT. This month's webinar is:  No Mow May Mowing is time consuming. Mowing is expensive. Mowing, in most cases, doesn’t provide any benefit to wildlife. So why are so many of our... Read More →

Shining a Light on Nighthawk Migration

Join the HMANA (Hawk Migration Association of North America) for their Lunch-n-Learn about nighthawk migration. The ground-nesting Common Nighthawk is one of North America's most widely distributed bird species and yet it remains one of the least understood, thanks in part to its nocturnal habits. Unfortunately, the Common Nighthawk is also declining across much of... Read More →

Western Hognose Snake in Texas: how many species?

The Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) is a grassland species historically found across most of Texas. There has been taxonomic uncertainty as to whether there are one, two, or even three species of western hognose in North America, potentially all occurring within the borders of our state. Corey will discuss his latest taxonomic conclusions as... Read More →

Assist with student field trip at Comanche Springs

Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus FM 654, Crowell, United States

Help Lynn Seman with a high school class from Chillicothe as they go for a hike on the trails at Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus. She needs some help.  Contact her at  Time to be determined. DO: Community Presentation

Feral Pigs and Water Issues – Texas Waters Webinar

Wild pigs are an invasive species with cascading impacts to agriculture, property, and natural resources. Texas watersheds are particularly vulnerable to damage. Damage includes soil erosion, bacterial contamination, bank erosion and changes to vegetation, all of which affect water quality and wildlife. In this webinar we’ll discuss the impacts pigs have and the benefits of... Read More →

Training Class # 8 – Paleontology

Midwestern State University 3410 Tafft, Wichita Falls, United States

Dr. Steven Rosscoe, Assistant Biology Professor at MSU, will discuss paleontology, the study of ancient life.  Meet at MSU's Bolin Science Hall, Room 213.  In-person preferred. Trainees report as: Training Class (enter class description).

Field Trip # 3 – Mineral Wells Fossil Park/Paleontology

Join MSU's Dr. Rosscoe as we travel to Mineral Wells Fossil Park to learn about the ancient life of Texas.  You can collect and keep the fossils you find.  We will meet in the parking lot just south of Bolin Science Hall at MSU at 8:00 am, and carpool/travel to the park. Bring a sack... Read More →

Texas Tough Plants

The harsh and unpredictable Texas climate is one of the greatest adversaries to a lush and vibrant landscape. Your greatest defense is to arm your landscape with adapted plants that can withstand the barrage of heat and drought that the growing season is sure to bombard us with!  Dallas Water Utilities will cover their ROOTED... Read More →