Welcome to the South Plains Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist program!
The Texas Master Naturalist program is a network of well-informed volunteers dedicated to conservation, service, leadership, and lifelong learning. It provides 40 hours of coursework in natural history, interpretation, and conservation stewardship. The training combines classroom instruction with field experiences. The classes are taught by professional natural resource educators and scientists. Once trained, the Texas Master Naturalists will provide 40 hours of service and take 8 hours of advanced training each year to maintain their certification.
To see more of the South Plains Chapter’s activities, please see facebook.com/sptxmn and instagram.com/sptxmn/
Mainly known as an agricultural region producing a large percentage of the nation’s cotton and possessing large cattle ranches, the South Plains is also home to a fascinating wildlife biodiversity, which the Master Naturalist program will help you know better and preserve.
The South Plains Chapter encompasses the following 21 counties: Bailey, Borden, Cochran, Cottle, Crosby, Dawson, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, Kent, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Scurry, Stonewall, Terry, and Yoakum. This area intersects two main ecological regions. On the west is the High Plains region also called the Llano Estacado , or Staked Plains. On the east is the North Central Plains region.