Our Mission…
to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.
Wings on the Wind – A Science & Nature Festival

Saturday, April 12th – 10 am to 2 pm
Our Master Naturalist volunteers are very busy getting ready for this year’s Wings on the Wind Saturday, April 12th from 10 am until 2 pm. We have added so many things to Wings on the Wind over the years, that we thought it fitting to add to the name. So, this year you will be seeing it as Wings on the Wind – A Science & Nature Festival! Mark your calendars! It’s always a great time! The festival is free. Entry into the park is $5 per car! Come out and spend the day with us at Abilene State Park – Texas Parks and Wildlife. The festival is located by the CCC building and in the soccer area. Stay tuned for for info……
Directions to Abilene State Park are below.
Directions to Abilene State Park: Starting from 707 (Beltway South) and Buffalo Gap Road. Head south down Buffalo Gap Road toward Buffalo Gap for about 5 miles. Continue on the same road for roughly 1 mile. Turn right onto FM89W. There will be a brown sign directing you to Abilene State Park. Drive about 4 miles and the entrance to Abilene State Park will be on your left. Look for the tower with the park’s name on it in front of the park entrance. Address is: 150 Park Rd 32, Tuscola, TX 79562
Visit our StoryMap to learn more about our work in the Big Country Area.

Our Meetings…
Monthly meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Taylor County Extension Office in Abilene, Texas. Some meetings are held at other locations for special programs. We are also involved with a variety of other events throughout the community. The Big Country Chapter of Master Naturalists includes 13 counties: Taylor, Callahan, Coleman, Eastland, Fisher, Jones, Haskell, Knox, Nolan, Runnels, Shackelford, Stephens and Throckmorton County.
Our Purpose…
to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within our community.