Some events may require pre-registration. Please check with the event organizer beforehand.
Spring Fling goes from April 6-May 5. GCBO need 4 volunteers for each day: 2 in the morning shift and 2 in the afternoon shift. The morning shift is 9:00-12:30 and the afternoon is 12:30-4:00.
What will volunteers be doing?
Set up and man the booth at the sanctuary headquarters.
Put out oranges for the birds and generally make sure everything is in order at the sanctuary
Answer questions
Provide information about GCBO, the sanctuary, other nearby birding locations, TMN
Keep the daily bird list
Sell water, snacks, and field guides (do not count this time in VMS)
To view available slots and sign up, click here.
Contact Celeste Silling if you have any questions.
Note – if you’re staffing the booth you can record your time as Gulf Coast Bird Obs – Outreach, if you’re talking to visitors about birds/birding. If you’re staffing the booth and ONLY selling or directing visitors this does not count as GCMN hours. If you’re helping to observe species that can be recorded as Gulf Coast Bird Obs – Data Collection.