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Audubon Texas and Central TX Mycological Society AT: Audubon Society
Ornithomycology: Where Birds and Fungi Intersect – Jan 11 |6:00p – 7:00p
WEBINAR Ornithomycology: Where Birds and Fungi Intersect | Audubon Texas
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With birds in the air and fungi in the earth, you may think that the two don’t interact much. However, there are several documented ways that fungi and birds play roles in each other’s lives. In this talk, we will explore some of the known interactions and observations that have been studied or documented. From collecting for food, to nest building, or even to impress mates, birds have proven to utilize fungi in several interesting ways. Join us to learn about these and the other ways that birds and fungi interact. Presenter Info: Chris Garza is a Certified Ecologist, ISA Certified Arborist, and Certified Ecosystem Restoration Practitioner in Training. Chris has a M.S. in Forestry and a B.S. in Biology from St. Edward’s University. Chris currently works as GIS specialist and environmental scientist for Hollaway Environmental. Some of Chris’ other interests include botany, entomology, mycology, foraging, and rock climbing. He currently serves as a board member for Travis Audubon.