The air quality in Harris County is influenced by multiple sources of pollution, including extensive road traffic, concrete batch plants, proximity to the largest petrochemical industrial complex in the United States, and port activities in the Houston Ship Channel. It is also important to note that environmental risks are not always uniformly distributed in urban areas like Houston, Harris County, and individuals classified with low socioeconomic status (SES) can become overburdened by environmental exposures. One pollutant of interest is particulate matter, specifically particulate matter of size 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5). There are long-term and short-term impacts of PM2.5 pollution on the human respiratory and cardiovascular organ systems. These short and long-term impacts may have contributed to poor outcomes following SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19). Join Rachel White, MPH, PhD (c), University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, for a deep dive into this topic and discussion of how pollution may impact our understanding of respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19.