Willow Waterhole Prairie Demo Gardens @ Willow Waterhole Greenway
Great opportunity to work in our Willow Waterhole gardens dedicated solely to native plants. We work (mostly) year round to maintain the garden which includes weeding, deadheading, separating grasses which have gotten large, collecting seeds, sowing seeds and planting new native finds. We monitor and record what is in bloom, insect relationships with the various plants, and we are working to make this an educational destination for local teachers and their students
We also love company. So if you are interested please call, text or email Tina Bryan at 281.536.8816 tinairene@sbcglobal.net. And! she will be sure to bring extra snacks.
Every Thursday
During Daylight Savings Time 8:30A-10:30A
Other times, 3PM-5PM
VMS: GCMN – Trails and Wildscapes