Highland Lakes Native Plant Society Monthly Meeting

Marble Falls Library, Marble Falls, Tx 101 Main St., Marble Falls, Tx, TX, United States

A business meeting starts at 1:00 for 30 minutes and will be followed by a one-hour educational presentation. Presentations have been approved for Master Naturalist Advanced Training. Visitors are welcome. For more information go to: https://npsot.org/wp/highlandlakes/  

Highland Lakes Birding and Wildflower Monthly Meeting

Highland Lakes Birding and Wildflower Meeting 607 N. Vandeveer, Burnet, Tx

Meet at the Texas A & M AgriLife Building. Dr. Hillis, author of Biodiversity in the Texas Hill Country: Armadillos to Ziziphus, with explain the reasons this area is perfect for a wide variety of plants and animals and how we can support this environment.  Come at 9:30 for social time and refreshments. The meeting begins... Read More →

Fall Trip-Brazos Bend State Park

Interpretive Trail Hike - Approximately 1.5 hours. Nature Center and Overlook Hike on your own.

Fall Trip – TAMU Galveston

Sea Camp, Trident Research vessel - 3 hours. One hour Sea Turtle presentation. One hour facility guided tour