July 11th from 7:30 to 10 am – Refresh the Turkey Hollow nature trail.  This trail needs to have borders straightened, pathway mulched, and fallen trees cut. There are several piles of suitable cedar logs in Turkey Hollow that can be used to replace trail borders. For straightening trail borders, recommended tools include gloves. Mulch will be... Read More →
Thursday, July 11, 10:30 a.m. – Noon. Help with a snake program presentation and a possible arts and crafts activity.  Contact Ranger Jamie at 830-637-9327.
*Tuesday, July 16, 9 – 11 a.m. Help a with Backyard Bass, learn about pollinators and feed the catfish. Contact Pat Campbell at pat65camp@gmail.com.
Thursday, July 18. Organizers of the library’s summer camp have requested presentation’s from the HLMN pollinator and aquatics trunks. To help or for more information contact Cathy Houston.
. Come to our Volunteer Recruitment Fair Sunday, July 28, Inks Lake State Park HQ ( the new one!) 2 - 5 pm. Bring a friend, or let your neighbors know!  Anyone interested in fun events, nature, conservation and promoting the same is welcome. RSVP at friendsofinks@yahoo.com