Inks Lake State Park Friends Group is having a maintenance day on 8 Jun, 0900 to 1200. Lake and Park cleanup, trails maintenance. We serve lunch and need a head count. So hoping to see you there
Lampasas Courthouse Square Farmers Market
*Tuesday, June 11, 8:30 -- 10:30 a.m. fishing education and archery
*Friday, June 14, 8 -11 a.m. Work at the park’s wildlife viewing station. The plan: clear and clean the walking paths to feeders and the water feature, remove invasive and non-native plants and clean the courtyard and service shed areas. Also, share ideas on seedings of wildflowers or other native plants based on the park's... Read More →
Lampasas Courthouse Square Farmers Market
*Saturday, June 15. Volunteers needed to help with Paddle-Palooza, free boat rentals from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Needs include helping explain boating rules and passing out equipment.
Wednesday, June 19, 9 – 11 a.m. Backyard Bass or learn about pollinators.
June 20th from 7:30 to 10 am – Remove excess vegetation around the Center. The flowerbeds around the Center need to be pruned and weeded. For flowerbed maintenance, recommended tools include gloves, kneepads, spades, and pruning shears. In addition, fallen tree limbs and dead branches need to be removed. Any vegetation that is removed will be placed... Read More →