*Wednesday, Sept. 4. Lampasas County Friends of the Night Sky will resume work meetings at a new time: 5:30 p.m. Come discuss plans and ideas in the conference room at the Lampasas County Chamber of Commerce office, 205 Highway 281. The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month, but times and locations may... Read More →
*Wednesday, Sept. 4. Lampasas County Friends of the Night Sky will resume work meetings at a new time: 5:30 p.m. Come discuss plans and ideas in the conference room at the Lampasas County Chamber of Commerce office, 205 Highway 281. The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month, but times and locations may... Read More →
*Saturday, Sept. 14, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Operation ExFil for military families and their PTSD counselors. Activities: archery, backyard bass and two discovery trunk topics.
9/18 9am-12pm, Kayak Training-If you are interested in assisting with, and maybe someday leading paddle programs at Inks or another State Park, this is the training you will have to attend first. This will be open to all HLMN, FOIL, Park Hosts, Inks Staff (with supervisor permission), and possibly interpreters from other Parks. Please email me... Read More →
The next scheduled meeting of the Highland Lakes Native Plant Society is Saturday, September 21, from 1-3 p.m at the Marble Falls Public Library, 101 Main Street. An educational presentation will follow a 30 minute chapter business. James Green will be the speaker. TOPIC: TEXAS NATIVE TREES- SELECTION AND CARE Main Points: -Texas Native Trees... Read More →
Volunteer Opportunity – September 25th The 7th grade advanced science class from Llano Junior High is preparing for a day trip to the Bamberger Ranch Preserve on September 25th.  Six volunteers will be needed to lead a nature hike and to assist with the sweep netting of insects.  Prior to beginning these morning activities, Kayla Krueger (Environmental Education... Read More →
*Sunday, Sept. 29, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. CC4C for children with rare or undiagnosed conditions and their families. Activities: archery, BYB and two discovery trunk topics.
We have a trail work day scheduled for Tuesday, October 1. We're hoping it is a little cooler and look forward to seeing you there. Bring your gloves and tools 9 am - noon. Come for all or part of the time. It won't be too tough. Plan to stay for lunch.
*Wednesday, Sept. 4. Lampasas County Friends of the Night Sky will resume work meetings at a new time: 5:30 p.m. Come discuss plans and ideas in the conference room at the Lampasas County Chamber of Commerce office, 205 Highway 281. The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month, but times and locations may... Read More →
*Wednesday, Sept. 4. Lampasas County Friends of the Night Sky will resume work meetings at a new time: 5:30 p.m. Come discuss plans and ideas in the conference room at the Lampasas County Chamber of Commerce office, 205 Highway 281. The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month, but times and locations may... Read More →
*Thursday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m.-Noon. Help homeschoolers learn about the hatchery’s fish production, and assist with casting and archery activities. Guides also needed.
*Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Refuge Roundup. Volunteers to help set-up and tear-down, direct traffic and staff booth and stations: BB guns, fishing, kids’ crafts, face-painting and perhaps more.                   Contact Stephanie Jones at stephanie_jones@fws.gov.