*Tuesday, Oct. 8. Lead nature hikes for 5th-graders. Arrive by 12:30 p.m. at the Margaret Bamberger Research & Education Center parking lot and end by 4 p.m. Five volunteers needed. One to two volunteers are also needed Oct. 8-10 to help with meals and provide hands-on lessons in water conservation. -- Oct. 8. Dinner: Arrive by 4:30... Read More →
*Tuesday, Oct. 8, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Learn interpretation terminology and techniques, tips for planning programs and about programming at Inks – information that can be applied at other parks as well. This training class, in Inks’ new headquarters building, will be led by park Superintendent Daniel Stauffer and Interpretive Ranger Jamie Langham. It has been approved... Read More →
Second Thursday of the month except June, July, August, or September beginning at 9:00 at the Burnet Texas AgriLife Building.
Lampasas Courthouse Square Farmers Market
*Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lead a monarch-tagging event in Johnson City. Contact Aileen Torres at 210-338-0509 or aileen.torres@sciencemill.org. Aileen would like to confirm participation ASAP. The event will occur on the day that the most volunteers confirm.
*Saturday, Oct. 5 OR Oct. 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lead a monarch-tagging event in Johnson City. Contact Aileen Torres at 210-338-0509 or aileen.torres@sciencemill.org. Aileen would like to confirm participation ASAP. The event will occur on the day that the most volunteers confirm.
*Saturday, Oct. 12, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Operation ExFil for military families and their PTSD counselors. Activities: archery, BYB and two discovery trunk topics.
*Saturday, Oct. 12, 6 p.m. Help with Creatures of the Night activities.
We are calling for more assistance at our annual Creatures of the Night program. This is a nature-themed Halloween program that helps kids learn about our native wildlife in a fun and safe setting at our Park. We are meeting at Central Park similar to previous years, but we are going to try to utilize... Read More →