Event Series Science Mill

Science Mill

Science Mill

*Saturday,  Oct. 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lead a monarch-tagging event in Johnson City. Contact Aileen Torres at 210-338-0509 or aileen.torres@sciencemill.org. Aileen would like to confirm participation ASAP. The event will occur on the day that the most volunteers confirm.

Event Series Science Mill

Science Mill

Science Mill

*Saturday, Oct. 5 OR Oct. 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lead a monarch-tagging event in Johnson City. Contact Aileen Torres at 210-338-0509 or aileen.torres@sciencemill.org. Aileen would like to confirm participation ASAP. The event will occur on the day that the most volunteers confirm.