To get initially certified and remain certified as a Master Naturalist, you are required to take 8 hours of Advanced Training. Some hours can be by Webinars offered by the State Texas Master Naturalist office, others may be by attending scheduled speakers at the monthly LETMN meeting, lectures at Sibley Nature Center, the Petroleum Museum or other approved sources. Our chapter sends emails and keeps a Calendar to alert members and trainees of A.T. opportunities.
For a short list of places to find Webinars and an approved list of current or upcoming A.T. opportunities see below.
Advanced Training Opportunities List
- Texas Waters Specialist Through the TPWD
- TMN Tuesdays Through Texas Master Naturalists; Presentation on 2nd Tuesday of each month. New schedule coming soon:
- Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Request approval)
- National Wildlife Federation Get on their mailing list for program updates. (Request approval)
Advanced Training Opportunity Approval Process
To request approval for an advanced training opportunity such as a webinar, community presentation or other, use the following process (note: A.T.D. is the Advanced Training Director):