This article was submitted by Diane Langton, PWLCTMN as part of the Adopt-A-Loop project.

March 3, 2024
Team: D. Langton, K. Sizelove-Murphy, H. Murphy
We spent the afternoon – two hours- along two of the trails. We immediately searched for the GTWT sign at the entrance to the trails. We did not find any, and this was also the case one year ago. We also noticed four large beer cans tossed in the woods shortly upon entering the trail. Wildlife was sparse with the exception of mosquitoes. I did not get any bird sightings, and when I turned on recordings the rare bird song would cease. I did spot a few white moths and one Swallowtail butterfly. There was one dead shrew on the trail. There is an occasional bench that one could rest upon. No containers for trash are found anywhere either in the parking lot or on the trails that we followed. Foot bridges were in decent condition. We encountered a few families enjoying the trails. Small flowers were appearing such as yellow jasmine and dewberries. We found a patch of not yet blooming spider lilies way out in the woods.