Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve – Volunteer Workday

Join us on November 16th at 1:00 pm to begin preparation for our prescribed burn. The area may be wet so rubber boots or just a change of shoes is a good idea. These workdays are open for everyone 18 years old or older. Invite your friends, family and neighbors. If this is your first time to volunteer, please... Read More →

Winter’s Bayou Audubon Sanctuary – Workday

Houston Audubon is planning to complete a loop trail in the Winters Bayou Sanctuary, and would like to partner with PWL on the ongoing maintenance of that trail. As a first step, Houston Audubon has organized a workday during which they'll be working on the tasks below. Any assistance from PWL volunteers would be appreciated!... Read More →

Christmas Bird Count – PWL Participation Day

Our 15 mile CBC count circle contains 7 segments, extending across the bottom of the lake into San Jacinto County and then into Point Blank: https://earth.google.com/web/data=MkEKPwo9CiExZlZSZ0pwTldFQk9VaXBadHVVclRDbU5jUWNPWWlJWTESFgoUMEU1N0E5NjkwNjM0QkZDOUUzQzQgAUICCABKCAjq76qaARABFor more info on how to participate, contact Beth Miller: bmiller2418@gmail.com