On Tuesday, February 6, Craig Hensley and Wendy Anderson will be presenting a webinar titled “iNaturalist Train the Trainer Workshop.” The Texas Nature Trackers (TNT) program is looking for Master Naturalists interested in becoming TNT certified iNaturalist workshop trainers across Texas. During this workshop we will provide you the training needed to get started as an iNaturalist trainer for your chapter, community, and/or region. As a prerequisite, we are looking for individuals that are already consistent users of iNaturalist, having a good understanding of the platform, and have an interest in teaching others in your community to engage with the platform. We’ll provide a quick overview of the app, provide an in-depth overview of the website and how data is used by TPWD, and finally tips and tricks for teaching it to others. We will provide attendees intending to become workshop trainers with a PowerPoint presentation to take home that will get you started. Should you accept this challenge, you will become an advocate not only for its use as an educational tool within your chapter but also for promoting community science and better understanding of the distribution of the state’s flora and fauna.
Craig Hensley is one of two Texas Nature Tracker Biologists. He has served TPWD as a Wildlife Biologist and Park Interpreter/Resource Specialist at Guadalupe River State Park and Honey Creek State Natural Area. He has spent the majority of his career engaging audiences in outdoor learning from Minnesota and Nebraska to Missouri, Kansas, and Texas. Craig holds degrees in Fisheries and Wildlife Management (BS) and Zoology (MS). He is an avid naturalist and grower of native plants.
Wendy Anderson is one of two Texas Nature Tracker Biologists. Wendy is an experienced Geographic Information Systems Analyst, skilled in GIS, plant identification, bird surveys, and people management. Wendy holds a Masters of Science in Environmental Science and a Masters of Public Affairs focused in Applied Ecology from Indiana University. She has a passion for outreach and education, data analysis, and conservation.
February 6, 2024
11 am – 1 pm
Contact Barbara: prairieoaksvolat@gmail.com
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