Description: “Abundance and Status of Cagles’s Map Turtle”, thesis defense presentation by Brooke Beverly, candidate for Master of Science in Biology, Tarleton State University
The research reported in this presentation is focused on a species endemic to a small area of Texas (primarily the Guadalupe-San Marcos river system), and thus it is a protected species, listed as Threatened in Texas and CITES class 3. This work was performed in conjunction with a grant to Dr. Jesse Meik (Tarleton State University, Dept. Biological Sciences) for studies of the species and its habitat. While the species does not occur in the Prairie Oaks service area, the content of the presentation includes field methodologies and other research features that are relevant to any animal species of concern. Moreover, it is valuable for Texas Master Naturalists to learn about species of special conservation status wherever they occur in the state.
Any Prairie Oaks members wishing to attend may contact Marsha Stephens at to arrange transportation to campus, as parking is restricted.
Location: Rm. 113, Grant building, Tarleton State University
Advanced Training Opportunity Title for VMS: AT: Tarleton classes/lectures, “Cagle’s Map Turtle”
Time: 2:30 – 3 pm
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