Texas Waters webinars are aquatic and watershed focused presentations throughout Texas. Each webinar will highlight information throughout the Texas Waters: Exploring Water and Watersheds curriculum. New this year is the mode of monthly webinar reminders. Instead of receiving an email from me, the announcements will still be sent by myself but through GovDelivery. These announcements will include date, webinar topic and description, speaker information, and registration. If you are unable to attend the live presentation, the recorded webinar and associated PowerPoint will be available for download from the Texas Waters Specialist page after the event.
Approved POMN Advanced Training.
Log your hours to, “AT: TX Waters Certification Training” with Title of Webinar in the “Describe Your Training” box.
If you would like to register to attend the live webinar, visit the TPWD Texas Waters Specialist webpage: https://tpwd.texas.gov/education/water-education/texaswatersprogram/texaswatersspecialist
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