Fish Trading Cards

Volunteer Opportunity:    Help to create “fish trading cards” for an outreach activity.   You will look up specific information about some Texas fish and send the information electronically to me.   I will put the card together. You can log your hours as CB: Administrative Work -> Chapter administration -> Board/Committee Work. If you are interested, contact... Read More →

TMN Tuesday: Birdability

Birding is an activity that can bring so much joy and empowerment to everybody, but not everybody is able to go birding easily. Birdability is a non-profit organization focused on removing barriers to access for birders with mobility challenges, blindness or low vision, intellectual or developmental disabilities (including autism), mental illness, being Deaf or Hard... Read More →

Thesis defense by John Palarski – March 16

Log as AT: Tarleton Classes/Lectures, TMN AT, and  enter the title of the thesis research in the description box. Department of Wildlife, Sustainability, and Ecosystem Sciences, Tarleton State University and Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation announce the public, oral defense by John Palarski "Differences in Vital Rates Between Two Subspecies  of Translocated Northern Bobwhite  in North-Central Texas" Tuesday, 16... Read More →

Master Volunteer Entomology AT Certification – March 16 to May 6

  The Master Volunteer Entomology Advanced Training Certification is going virtual this year!  Over the course of 8 weeks and over 32 instructional hours, you can gain a greater understanding of entomology, integrated pest management in the garden, landscape and home, be able to identify common insects, spiders and arthropods in Texas, learn about butterfly... Read More →

Monthly Meeting – Arthropod Superstars – March 18

Spring is almost in the air and soon we'll be planting our gardens, working in the yard, and dealing with those pesky bugs.  This seminar will help identify those good arthropods that help keep the bad guys in check Dr. Kattes has recently retired as Professor of Wildlife, Sustainability and Ecosystems Sciences at Tarleton State University, where... Read More →

Document wildlife deaths due to winter storm

It is starting to become clear that the impacts of last week's Winter Storm in Texas may have been catastrophic for some wildlife populations. TPWD officials and Master Naturalists alike have provided recounts of big die-offs in ducks, migratory birds, bats, and exotics. To better document the extent of the Winter Storm's impacts to wildlife,... Read More →

Outdoor project at Fawcett WMA

We happen to have a small project on the Roger R. Fawcett WMA that we need to get taken care of in the next few weeks.  We have just picked up 40 wooden park signs that need to be painted before we can install them.  The signs range in size and have lettering that is... Read More →

Workdays at the Nature Center

Bosque Nature Center 6RC4+W4 Stephenville, Texas, Stephenville, tx, United States

Let's meet at the nature center to maintain the gardens.  10 am to 12 noon. Covid precautions apply. Both volunteers and public participants are strongly encouraged to wear masks and social distance by at least 6 feet.  Bring your own tools and don't forget water and insect repellent.  Contact Bill Hopkins for more information [email protected] Flextime... Read More →

TMNTuesday – April 13

Impacts of Winter Storm Uri on Texas Fish & Wildlife It’s been more than a month since Winter Storm Uri swept across Texas, but many are still feeling the aftershocks caused by this historic event, especially our wildlife. Come learn about the changes in flora and fauna after the storm (including a citizen science project... Read More →

Milkweed plugs available – April 15

Milkweed plugs will soon be available for planting in a native or pollinator garden.  These have been purchased from Monarch Watch.  Planting in a group of 3-4 is recommended.  Watering will be needed till they establish.  The cost is $2.25 each to cover costs.  Projected arrival around April 15.  Supplies limited. Email me to reserve. ... Read More →

Workkday at the Nature Center

Let's meet at the nature center to maintain the gardens.  10 am to 12 noon. Covid precautions apply. Both volunteers and public participants are strongly encouraged to wear masks and social distance by at least 6 feet.  Bring your own tools and don't forget water and insect repellent.  Contact Bill Hopkins for more information [email protected] Flextime... Read More →

Chapter Meeting – April 15

6:00-7:00 pm – Chapter Business Meeting 7:00-8:00 pm – Program: Lost...and Found...Texas! by T. Wayne Schwertner, Wildlife Biologist, PhD You must register in advance  We will be using WebEx (not Zoom) for our meeting. In order to provide a secure environment, registration is required in advance. All registered attendees will receive an email with the WebEx link and... Read More →

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