VO: Dinosaur Valley State Park – Ranger Assistant

Dinosaur Valley State Park 1629 Park Rd 59, Glen Rose, TX

Dinosaur Valley State Park - Ranger Assistant Assist 4th grade students, Park Ranger Zach Riggs, and Linda Wood at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Volunteers may help during the educational activities or assist in other capacities to keep the event running smoothly. Contact Contact: Linda Wood Phone: 229-563-3324 Email: POMN.linda@gmail.com Date: 10/4/24 Time: 10AM - 1PM... Read More →

VO: Creature Features at Dinosaur Valley State Park 👾

Dinosaur Valley State Park 1629 Park Rd 59, Glen Rose, TX

Creature Features at Dinosaur Valley State Park on October 19. Educate or assist with educational activities during Creature Feature at Dinosaur Valley State Park.  Participants will be learning about different characteristics and adaptations of various creatures. VMS Code DO:POMN, Educating Others: Assist with activity booth educating others about characteristics and adaptations of various fauna Contact Details... Read More →

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