Imagine a child’s excitement in watching a Monarch butterfly emerge from its cocoon. Imagine the sense of accomplishment in finding a rare native plant in your backyard. Imagine the inspiration of dragonflies hovering over a small waterfall. Imagine examining a soil with a magnifying glass and discovering tiny life. Imagine a quiet walk on a clear morning, surrounded by colorful flowers, singing birds, and the rustling of leaves in a slight breeze.
Nature is packed with fascinating creatures and their complex relationships with each other and their habitats. The more we discover about the lives of these creatures and the nature of their habitats, the more we learn about ourselves and how to sustain life – their lives and ours.
We welcome you to join us on our journey in and with nature. Be inspired by science-based presentations, reports, and stories about discoveries. Participate in our fun events and educational offerings for schools. Explore print and online resources that are educational and inspiring.
Services to our Communities
The Rio Brazos Chapter offers the public a variety of opportunities for learning about nature and Texas natural landscapes, expanding knowledge about natural resource ecology and management, and enjoying the outdoors. We host outdoor learning events throughout the year. These events are free, suitable for all ages, and fun! One of the more popular services we offer is nature-related educational activities for public, private, and home schools. For community events, we can set up and staff an exhibit, including touch table. For your community and civic organization meetings, we can provide speakers to give presentations about the Master Naturalist program or special nature-related topics. Please let us know what we can do to help you and our communities learn about and enjoy nature. Find details, contacts, and “make a request” links on the Services to Communities page.
Books, Apps, and Web Resources
Learn from other naturalists, scientists, explorers, and curious people — from books, interactive mobile apps, and web resources. Go to our Books, Apps, and Web Resources page for some of our favorite and most-used books and e-tools.