All members, guests, and visitors are invited to the chapter’s monthly meetings. Each meeting starts with a potluck (dinner on us for guests and visitors), followed by a speaker and the business meeting. Each meeting location rotates among the three chapter counties, so check the calendar for individual meeting locations. We will try to specify meeting locations at least a week or two before each meeting. Meetings are open to the public. Please join us!
6:00 Potluck
6:30 Speaker: Marcia Miller, Chalk Mountain Wildlife Management Association. The presentation will cover what wildlife management associations are, how they work and what they do. The foundation and history of Chalk Mountain Wildlife Management Association (CMWMA) will be discussed, including past activities and meetings up to the present-day association. Wildlife associations are part social, part educational and part helping each other out. Marcia Miller is President of the Prairie Rose Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas and Secretary of the Chalk Mountain Wildlife Management Association. She and her husband, Russ, have worked hard to restore their ranch to pre-European conditions as much as possible. They received the 2018 Texas State Wildlife Conservation Award presented by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Texas.
7:30 Business meeting
Members’ hours reporting: Volunteer Opportunity: VMS Category: Administrative Work (specify): TMN Admin Report Hours, Chapter Meeting Advanced Training Opportunity, VMS Category: AT: Chapter Meeting: TMN AT Report Hours (describe your training)